About Jesse Waites
My name is Jesse Waites and Ruby on Rails is the framework that I have chosen to focus my professional career in. I am all in on Rails – In fact, I have been working with Rails since version 3.1 (before jQuery was the default and Rails shipped with Prototype.js!) and it has been quite rewarding to see the technology mature as much as it has. I am very interested in the new Hotwire set of Ruby on Rails 7+ tools. Strada (which now gives us the new ability to port Rails 7+ Web Apps to a mobile app with native device controls) also deeply interests me, as I once wrote a book about app development (Apple version here, Kindle version here). In fact, I have the distinction of having an app for sale on the iPhone App Store on the very first day that the App Store was opened, July 10, 2008!
In my spare time I enjoy hiking, biking, rock climbing, ice climbing, volunteering with the Appalachian Mountain Club, and training for high altitude mountaineering. In the past I have traversed the Cosmiques Arête in France, the Aiguilles d’Entrèves in the Alps, and have climbed the highest mountain in Italy, Gran Paradiso. I am now training for what is known in Alpinist circles as “The Berner Oberland Trilogy”, which entails climbing Mönch, Jungfrau and then finally the Eiger in the Swiss Alps.
If your development team works with Ruby on Rails and you’d like to get in touch, please feel free to drop me a line.