Introducing the Boston Ipsum Rubygem

What is a RubyGem?

(This blog post is a port over from a blog post on my now decommissioned previous website)

A Rubygem is a bit of code that a ruby developer wrote, made available in a portable format and posted to a public server, so that bit of code can be used on other machines and by other developers in different web projects. Think, Legos. Basically, I made a code lego. If you were to think of web development as building digital things with digital Legos (And you might not be too far off, frankly), you could imagine a Rubygem as being a specific Lego that performs a specific function. Some Rubygems allow you to send email, upload images, or even display a profile picture based on your email address. This Rubygem that I created displays Boston themed “Lorem Ipsum” text.

What is Lorem Ipsum?

Lorem Ipsum is “filler text” used by print and web developers to take space up on a page with text so that he or she can get an idea of what the page will look like once the marketing text gets finished by the marketing department.

I wanted to experiment with making a Ruby gem, as I had never made one before, so I created a rather simple Lorem Ipsum generator that returns Boston area themed text.

Rubygems link:

You simply install the gem, bundle, and call:

<%= BostonIpsum.speak(integer) %>
in any view. The integer number allows you to return a randomized yet specific number of words. To add words, make a pull request.

For example,

<%= BostonIpsum.speak(2) %>
could output “Patriots Somerville”, and

<%= BostonIpsum.speak(4) %>
could output “Sox Eastie Southie MBTA”


Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

gem ‘boston_ipsum’

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install boston_ipsum


Simply add:

<%= BostonIpsum.speak(5) %>

into any view after requiring and bundling the gem into your ruby project.

To add Boston themed words to the list, simply add them and make a pull request on Github.

You can check it out here on github.

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